Wedding Speech Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts for a Timeless and Tasteful Toast - Ultimate Wedding Speech - Say 'I Do' to the Perfect Wedding Speech

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Wedding Speech Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts for a Timeless and Tasteful Toast

Posted on Wednesday, 7th June 2023 by Matt

Wedding speeches can serve as some of the most memorable moments in a couple's big day, and if you've been asked to deliver one, it means you hold a special place in their hearts.

Wedding speeches can serve as some of the most memorable moments in a couple's big day, and if you've been asked to deliver one, it means you hold a special place in their hearts. Whether you're the best man, maid of honour, parent, or the couple themselves, your speech can contribute to the joy and unity of the occasion. Here, we delve into the etiquette of wedding speeches, discussing the do's and don'ts that can help you craft a timeless and tasteful toast.


1. Plan and Prepare: Begin with a clear structure that includes a warm introduction, the main body of the speech, and a touching conclusion. Write it down, rehearse, and time your speech to ensure it's not overly long. Aim for 5-7 minutes, which is usually the sweet spot.

2. Keep it Personal and Heartfelt: Share personal stories, reminisce about fond memories, or recall special shared moments. This adds a personal touch and draws in the audience. A heartfelt speech is often the most memorable.

3. Include the Couple: Remember, the speech is about the couple. Celebrate their union, their qualities, and the love they share. It's their special day, and your words should echo that.

4. Use Humour Sparingly and Wisely: A dash of humour is always welcome. It can put the audience at ease and keep the atmosphere light. However, it should never be at the expense of anyone's dignity.

5. Practise the Toast: Practise makes perfect. Rehearsing helps you become more comfortable with your speech, allows you to time yourself, and can help you feel more confident on the day.

6. End on a Positive Note: The conclusion of your speech should be uplifting and lead into the toast seamlessly. Wish the couple a future filled with happiness and love, then raise your glass to them.


1. Don't Wing It: A spontaneous speech may seem like a good idea, but it can quickly go awry. You might forget important points or ramble on too long. Preparation is key.

2. Don't Overuse Inside Jokes: While it might seem fun to share some insider humour, remember that not everyone in the room will understand. Aim to entertain the entire crowd, not just a select few.

3. Don't Bring Up Controversial Topics: Avoid any topics that could stir controversy or discomfort. This includes past relationships, political opinions, or potentially embarrassing anecdotes.

4. Don't Drink Too Much Beforehand: A glass or two for courage is okay, but overdoing it could lead to a speech you'll regret. Stay clear-headed for your big moment.

5. Don't Forget to Thank the Hosts: If you're not the couple, remember to express gratitude towards those who organised the wedding. This is often the parents, but it could also be the couple themselves.

6. Don't Speak Too Fast: When nerves kick in, it's easy to rush through your speech. Take a deep breath, slow down and pause between key points.

Delivering a wedding speech is a wonderful privilege. It's an opportunity to share your love, happiness and best wishes with the couple on one of the most important days of their lives. By keeping these do's and don'ts in mind, you're sure to give a timeless, tasteful toast that enhances the celebration and creates cherished memories.