Writing a Funny Best Man Speech: Tips, Tricks, and Jokes to Include - Ultimate Wedding Speech - Say 'I Do' to the Perfect Wedding Speech

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Writing a Funny Best Man Speech: Tips, Tricks, and Jokes to Include

Posted on Wednesday, 7th June 2023 by Matt

As the best man, you've been bestowed with the privilege (and, let's admit it, the pressure) of delivering a speech that is both memorable and entertaining.

As the best man, you've been bestowed with the privilege (and, let's admit it, the pressure) of delivering a speech that is both memorable and entertaining. Finding the balance between heartwarming sentiment and comedic relief is a daunting task. However, with a bit of preparation and a healthy dose of humour, you can write a speech that gets everyone laughing, without compromising on the emotional resonance. Here are some tips, tricks, and jokes to consider as you craft a best man speech that's equal parts funny and meaningful.

Tips and Tricks

1. Know Your Audience: Before you start penning down jokes, understand the crowd you'll be speaking to. A joke that works with your mates might not be as amusing to a more diverse audience.

2. Mix Sentiment with Humour: Yes, you want to be funny, but remember this isn't a stand-up routine. Keep the speech personal, poignant, and pepper it with humour to lighten the mood.

3. Use Personal Stories: Amusing anecdotes from the past are a gold mine for humour. Sharing hilarious memories, adventures, or mishaps that involve the groom can be incredibly entertaining if presented right.

4. Keep it Clean and Respectful: All humour should be in good taste. Don't bring up any embarrassing or inappropriate stories. The goal is to celebrate the couple, not to cause discomfort.

5. Time it Right: Humour is all about timing. Practise the rhythm of your jokes to hit the punchline at the right moment.

6. Use Light-Hearted Teasing: Gentle ribbing is fine, but always keep it light-hearted and fun. The groom is your mate, after all!

7. Use a Classic Joke Structure: A well-structured joke can give your speech a professional touch. Set up the situation, build anticipation, then deliver the punchline.

Jokes to Include

Here are a few types of jokes that usually land well in a best man speech:

1. Relationship Humour: "I have been best friends with [groom's name] for the longest time, and I've seen him change for the better ever since [bride's name] came into his life. He's become more caring, more responsible, more mature...and most importantly, he's finally started watching better TV shows!"

2. Friendly Ribbing: "I'm really proud of [groom's name] today. I mean, he's really pulled himself together for this wedding. I've never seen him look so clean and well-dressed! Let's give him a round of applause."

3. Shared Experiences: "[Groom's name] and I have been on some wild adventures together. Like the time we decided to hike up that massive hill with nothing but a compass and a bag of crisps. We learned two very important things that day: One, neither of us knows how to use a compass. And two, crisps are not the best source of sustenance when lost in the wilderness."

4. Gentle Marriage Humour: "Now, [groom's name], I've got some advice as you enter this beautiful thing called marriage. Remember, 'Yes, dear,' 'You're absolutely right, dear,' and 'I'm sorry, dear,' are going to be your new favourite phrases."

Remember, while humour is subjective, it's important to keep your jokes light-hearted and in good taste. The wedding day is a celebration of love and unity, and your speech should reflect this spirit while adding a dose of laughter. The goal is to add joy to the occasion, celebrate your mate's big day, and maybe even get a few hearty laughs along the way!

With a blend of humour and heartfelt sentiment, your best man speech can bring warmth and laughter to a momentous occasion. Remember to be yourself, stay relaxed, and, most importantly, have fun with it. A well-delivered joke can break the ice, put guests at ease, and make the event all the more memorable.